Frictionless reporting of gifts, hospitality & conflicts for busy teams.
Reactively managing gifts, hospitality and conflicts reporting through manual processes?
Gifts & Conflicts App provides a proactive approach to managing gifts, hospitality and conflicts of interest reporting to meet the regulatory Anti-Bribery & Corruption requirements effortlessly. With our best-in-class rules engine, send timely reminders to your teams and automate your ABC review processes.
Problem Statement
Manually tracking of gifts & conflicts!
Most businesses expect staff to remember their annual training when it comes to reporting gifts, hospitality, and conflicts.
However, this isn't realistic as e-learning completed months ago becomes difficult to recall, particularly the manual processes for approving gifts and reporting thresholds for reporting gifts and conflicts.
This results in ill-timed reporting, where teams report months after receiving gifts or crystallized conflicts and a drain on compliance teams as they spend significant time guiding staff through manual approval workflows.

Value Proposition
Event-driven data collection.
Our Gifts & Conflicts App's rules engine sends reminders for gifts, hospitality and conflicts reporting, with approval workflows. Set event-based triggers to notify specific teams to report gifts, hospitality and conflicts, and our AI-powered engine learns from past reports to monitor Anti-bribery & Corruption (ABC) efforts proactively.
The result is an approach to monitor Anti-Bribery & Corruption that is supported by timely event-driven reminders with minimal reporting effort and enhanced analytics to help identify potential gaps in the firm's ABC efforts.

Key features of Gifts & Conflicts
Simplify your Anti-Bribery data collection for complete and accurate Gifts & Conflicts reporting that leads to improved operations.
Complete & Accurate
Define approval rule sets and trigger events that effortlessly tailor the approach to Gifts & Conflicts reporting to your business.
Get a live view of your Anti-Bribery & Corruption efforts and never spend time preparing reports with our one-click reporting.
Discover new insights into your operational effectiveness and take timely action to remediate threats to your resilience.
New Operational Insights
Track exceptions and remediations to completion with a clear audit trail for internal and external stakeholders to review.
& Audit Trails